Save, Load, and Delete Scenarios
Scenarios are user-defined sets of carbon reduction measures that can be saved, loaded, and compared with one another. These scenarios are saved and updated in the Carbon Reduction Measures tab, and compared in the Scenario tab.
When the Carbon Reduction Measures tab opens for the first time, an initial scenario is generated and assigned the name [Project name]-Scenario1. This scenario can be renamed by changing the text in the "Scenario Name" field at the top of the form.
Creating a new scenario
A new scenario can be created by clicking the 'New Scenario" button at the bottom of the form. There are two ways to create a scenario, either by replicating an existing scenario's carbon reduction measures or by creating a new scenario with no carbon reduction measures.
Copy of current scenario. This creates a new scenario with the same set of carbon reduction measures as the current scenario. This option is useful when constructing a sequence of carbon reduction strategies where each builds on the last.
New empty scenario. This option creates a scenario with no carbon reduction measures.
Updating the current scenario
As updates are made to the scenario, the changes are automatically saved. To make sure the changes are being saved, look for the "up to date" icon at the bottom of the form. If the changes are not saved automatically, clicking the "Save Scenario" button will save them manually.
Loading a saved scenario
A saved scenario can be loaded by selecting it from the "Load Scenario" dropdown menu at the top of the form.
Renaming a saved scenario
A scenario can be renamed by changing the text in the "Scenario Name" field at the top of the form.
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